Apr 26, 2013


TGIF, right?!

Well, kind of. Friday's aren't always that exciting for me unfortunately. They're usually more like my Sundays (aka I feel like I'm preparing for Monday).

Since I do a lot of events for the company I'm interning for (which is a cocktail company), I spend lots of my weekends working. Including tomorrow. 

But thankfully, I've gotten to spend some time in Athens with B this week, today included. So instead of dwelling on the fact I have to leave and work all day tomorrow, I'm going to just enjoy the time we get to spend together today, and this awesome weather we're having before it rains all weekend!

I mean, how depressing is this?! Rain for pretty much the next 7 days all over the metro ATL area. Boo.

Sometimes when I know I'm about to have to leave him and be away for awhile, I get bummed out and have trouble focusing on and enjoying that last little bit of time we have together. Kind of like as you near the end of your vacation, you begin to dread it, knowing that you're about to have to go home and back to the real world, ya know? Does anyone else have this problem? It's something I'm definitely working on so I don't waste the good times being sad!

This week I've had to work especially hard at remembering to stay positive, because I don't know for sure that I'm going to get much time with B before he leaves for his study abroad. I have to work all weekend, and then he has finals next week. And then I have to work a ton over Cinco de Mayo weekend (our best-selling mix at work is a margarita mix, so of course Cinco de Mayo is huge for us!) And then B is leaving next Monday. 

Now, he's only going to be gone for 10 days, which is very short for a study abroad trip. But I am used to being able to pick up the phone and text or call him whenever I want to. But with him being in another country, being 6 hours ahead of me, and him being on a strict itinerary  the entire time he's there, being able to talk to him is going to be few and far between. And that makes me sad. I mean, I know we'll be fine, but it's just going to be weird that whenever I think of something hilarious (because I'm sooo funny...), or when I see a picture I think he'd appreciate, I am not going to be able to just pick up my phone and text him. Ugh. But he does have a certain amount of international calling time we can use, and I'm going to be relying heavily on Facebook messaging I guess...as long as he has internet. But have any of you had your significant other/bffs travel internationally before? How did you communicate?!

Anyways, back to the positive! We have plans to maybe go to the Botanical Gardens today, and then head downtown for dinner and happy hour. 

It's Twilight weekend, so there's soo much going on, including lots of free shows! I'll explain more about Twilight in my weekend recap post...I had never heard of it before coming to Athens. My favorite description I've ever heard of it is that it's the NASCAR of bicycle racing...if you can imagine! HA One of our favorite newly-discovered bands is playing on the street stage tonight, and I can't wait to see them again! They opened for a group we love not long ago, and we barely made it in time to see the last song or two they played, and they were awesome. I've been waiting on them to come back ever since!

And, to end it on a pretty awesome note...my first time participating in #backthatazzup Friday. Because what better way than to get in a positive, upbeat mood than to listen to all this good stuff?!

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